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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 14, Issue 4, pp. 903-1191

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Derivatives of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Matrix Functions

Alan L. Andrew, K.-W. Eric Chu, and Peter Lancaster

pp. 903-926

Numerical Methods for Simultaneous Diagonalization

Angelika Bunse-Gerstner, Ralph Byers, and Volker Mehrmann

pp. 927-949

On the Convergence of Reversible Markov Chains

Madhav P. Desai and Vasant B. Rao

pp. 950-966

An Algorithm for the Linear Complementarity Problem with a $P_0 $-Matrix

V. Venkateswaran

pp. 967-977

Robust Control of Delay Feedback Systems with Bounded Uncertainty

R. T. Yanushevsky

pp. 978-990

Constructive Heuristics and Lower Bounds for Graph Partitioning Based on a Principal-Components Approximation

K. S. Arun and V. B. Rao

pp. 991-1015

Fast Triangular Factorization and Inversion of Hermitian, Toeplitz, and Related Matrices with Arbitrary Rank Profile

Debajyoti Pal and Thomas Kailath

pp. 1016-1042

Length Bounds for Singular Values of Sparse Matrices

Charles R. Johnson and Peter M. Nylen

pp. 1043-1047

Solution of $P_0 $-Matrix Linear Complementarity Problems Using a potential Reduction Algorithm

Panos M. Pardalos, Yinyu Ye, Chi-Geun Han, and John A. Kaliski

pp. 1048-1060

Approximation of Matrix-Valued Functions

Roy Mathias

pp. 1061-1063

A Decomposition for Three-Way Arrays

S. E. Leurgans, R. T. Ross, and R. B. Abel

pp. 1064-1083

Some Results on the Numerical Range of a Derivation

Natália Bebiano, Chi-Kwong Li, and João Providência

pp. 1084-1095

Fast Triangular Factorization of Covariance Matrices of Differenced Time Series

Rajiv Vijayan and H. Vincent Poor

pp. 1096-1102

On the Smith Normal Form of Structured Polynomial Matrices, II

Kazuo Murota

pp. 1103-1111

On the Sensitivity of the Solution of Nearly Uncoupled Markov Chains

Guo Dong Zhang

pp. 1112-1123

A Componentwise Perturbation Analysis of the $QR$ Decomposition

Hong Yuan Zha

pp. 1124-1131

Total Positivity, $QR$ Factorization, and Neville Elimination

M. Gasca and J. M. Peña

pp. 1132-1140

On the Perturbation of LU, Cholesky, and QR Factorizations

G. W. Stewart

pp. 1141-1145

A Note on Generalized Vandermonde Determinants

Randolph P. Flowe and Gary A. Harris

pp. 1146-1151

The Hadamard Operator Norm of a Circulant and Applications

Roy Mathias

pp. 1152-1167

A Non-Interior-Point Continuation Method for Linear Complementarity Problems

Bintong Chen and Patrick T. Harker

pp. 1168-1190

Erratum: A Look-Ahead Levinson Algorithm for Indefinite Toeplitz Systems

Tony F. Chan and Per Christian Hansen

p. 1191